Achieve 2040
Simple ways for you to further the work
in South Asia & bless a love one at Christmas...
Provide the nourishing Word of God, with study notes for just $5. A gift of $25 provides 5 believers with Bibles.
Your gift will go toward life-giving churches that become the center of the community providing spiritual, physical and sustainable solutions.
Help IGL pastors who have been displace by recent flooding.
$45 will provide 6 months supply of food for them and their families.
Your gift to urgent needs will provide a 6 months supply of food to a family in a relief camp.
Share Your Love for IGL
Give a gift in honor of a loved one.
Make Christmas extra special this year by sharing your love for pastors and believers in India, with a loved one!
Give toward one of the gifts listed above to help believers and pastors in the field.
Give toward one of the gifts listed above to help believers and pastors in the field.
Download our gift cards. Use the card that goes with your gift that you are giving toward.
Print out the cards, fill in your loved one's name on the card and hand out at Christmas.
This is especially great for helping children and grandchildren learn what God is doing in South Asia. Bless an elderly parent or loved one by giving a gift in their honor, toward Bibles or the Achieve Fund.
Print out the cards, fill in your loved one's name on the card and hand out at Christmas.
This is especially great for helping children and grandchildren learn what God is doing in South Asia. Bless an elderly parent or loved one by giving a gift in their honor, toward Bibles or the Achieve Fund.

Looking for more ways to give?
Check out options from our Achieve Campaign or...
Click Here for more ways to give.