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The Cost: $100
$5 educates one adult
Any amount will help improve schools
Share God’s word by equipping your brothers and sisters with their own Bible.
$100 gets a pastor from one village to the next
Any amount will help children with disabilities
$20 clothes one child
$600 provides a cow for a family
$5 provides materials for one disciple
$85 gives one goat
$15 equips one leader
$400 feeds a colony
$550 funds one whole camp
Give a micro-credit loan for a start-up business
$1,250 motorizes one pastor
$55 equips one student
$25 toward nutritious meals for a month to help with needed relief due to the pandemic.
Equip pastors with training
$15-$25 provides supplies for one student
$120 provides one machine
Any amount cares for those in need
$25 for one pair of shoes
Any amount cares for the training facilities
Provide surgery and rehabilitation for one person
$35 is the cost to support one child for one month. All monthly supporters receive quarterly updates!
Help families who have been displace by recent flooding. A gift of $45 will provide 6 months supply of food and essentials.
$85 equips one person
Equip a woman leader with training.
$55 sends one young pastor to a conference